
Sunday 16 November 2014

Contorted : Romantic Poem

This poem belongs to the league of Limbo and Paramour, where the word inspired me to explain it in my version, and what can be a better subject to experiment on than love. Yeah, this stuff is so readily available and yet always in dearth! 
I wanted to portray Contorted as an emotion and this is what I could construct.
Happy Reading :)

Note: Read through the end and you shall surprise yourself, with a whole new meaning which I bet you wouldn't have thought off while reading the poem! Yeah, that's a bet for sure.


Seduced by that forbidden fruit,
I entered the world of dreams, of pain.
A heaven descendant sent as a recruit:
to spill my blood in drain.

Ethics intact, I cherished his brutal force,
his eyes reflected the corpse of me:
his touch so coarse.
Life on the verge of necropolis, looked up at its source,
the bestower of love, of life, of guilt and of remorse.

Talent for beauty (Quote)

'Some places are so beautiful that one does not need any special talent to capture its beauty.'

I am no photographer, nor do I have a professional camera. Forget professional camera, I clicked this one with my dad's HTC Explorer's 3MP camera, yet every single time I see this I'm filled with an awe, and I just keep on wondering, how beautiful can you be? :) 

For those who do not know this place, it's Anjuna Beach in Goa.

© itirmS

Monday 10 November 2014

A Pack (Poem)

It's been more than 18 months, since I wrote this poem. These words are an end-to-end description about those people who made the most important part of my college days and, when the end was nearing I thought of capturing that which I could.

Dedicated to the best college mates I could have had .... 

A Pack

First time I stepped out on my own,
to live a life that was still unknown,
couldn't predict the journey I would undertake,
couldn't imagine what kinda friends I would make.

HMR was the place, where our pack started,
                                          when beside me Sharma Ritika farted,                     
O' Sweety, the word was just to create rhyme,
accept my apology for this frivolous crime.
Your perfectionism is what we admire,
your cute, loving nature is someone else’s desire.
The days we spent in were a true bliss,
we made up for what in school did we miss.
I could have never imagined we would make it this long!
talking, walking, sharing and smiling all along,
Till when will it last? I'm not sure,
All I know is that our bond is pristine and pure.

BPIT was destined to happen,
so was I, bound to fatten.
Pallavi is a friend turned traitor,
Ohh boy, I'll show you my curves sooner or later!
On a serious note, you are a part of me,
the points of intersection are so many,
agonizing over organizing, you've catered our needs,
you know what, you're loved for all your deeds.
I could have never imagined we would make it this long!
talking, walking, sharing and reading all along,
Till when will it last? I'm not sure,
All I know is that our bond is pristine and pure.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Limbo: at the edge of hell (Poem)

Holding on to something, a task , a dream, a person , anything is an act of courage. So, is their a limit to it? For how long can one walk inside a dark tunnel with just the hope of witnessing light at the end of it?
And so I thought of picking this feeling up and expressing, what-so-ever I can in words. 

Now, some of you might think how did I come down to name it what I did, so I'll tell you another stuff about my poems. It is the word, many a times, that is my inspiration behind an entire poem (yes, after the emotion part), like Paramour, Contorted and then Limbo.

I heard this word first in Di Caprio's Inception and from then on I was in search of some feeling I can write about with Limbo as its crux; so I came across this whole phenomenon of sad romance (yes, I have a thing for romance, sadness makes it even more concrete ;) ) and I penned it down in some straight 6 hours.

Well, enough of the story. Now time for the actual stuff: 

Limbo : At the edge of hell

My happiness hijacked by pain,
For how long shall I persevere?
Enveloped by infinite darkness,
I hope for a miracle to appear.

I've been in the abeyance for so long!
Pain, here,echoes like a rhyme,
O' Lord,
Till when in this purgatory will I remain ?
It's wiping away my knowledge of time.

I don't know to which world I belong,
I'm enduring ,with faith,for some rain.
There's an inky blackness inside this catacomb,
O' Lord,
what about my opaline, nacreous dream?

The dawn no longer a messenger of hope,
it showed me the shreds of my only rope,
vaporized because of the harsh beam,
thereby, breaking me at the seam.

You are my pain, you are the cure,
you are my smile, you are the lure,
you are my sea, you are the shore,
you are the limbo that I endure.