
Sunday 2 November 2014

Limbo: at the edge of hell (Poem)

Holding on to something, a task , a dream, a person , anything is an act of courage. So, is their a limit to it? For how long can one walk inside a dark tunnel with just the hope of witnessing light at the end of it?
And so I thought of picking this feeling up and expressing, what-so-ever I can in words. 

Now, some of you might think how did I come down to name it what I did, so I'll tell you another stuff about my poems. It is the word, many a times, that is my inspiration behind an entire poem (yes, after the emotion part), like Paramour, Contorted and then Limbo.

I heard this word first in Di Caprio's Inception and from then on I was in search of some feeling I can write about with Limbo as its crux; so I came across this whole phenomenon of sad romance (yes, I have a thing for romance, sadness makes it even more concrete ;) ) and I penned it down in some straight 6 hours.

Well, enough of the story. Now time for the actual stuff: 

Limbo : At the edge of hell

My happiness hijacked by pain,
For how long shall I persevere?
Enveloped by infinite darkness,
I hope for a miracle to appear.

I've been in the abeyance for so long!
Pain, here,echoes like a rhyme,
O' Lord,
Till when in this purgatory will I remain ?
It's wiping away my knowledge of time.

I don't know to which world I belong,
I'm enduring ,with faith,for some rain.
There's an inky blackness inside this catacomb,
O' Lord,
what about my opaline, nacreous dream?

The dawn no longer a messenger of hope,
it showed me the shreds of my only rope,
vaporized because of the harsh beam,
thereby, breaking me at the seam.

You are my pain, you are the cure,
you are my smile, you are the lure,
you are my sea, you are the shore,
you are the limbo that I endure.

In pursuit of an answer, I looked into the universe,
O' Lord,
When will my quest end?
The Limbo reverberated a song: a forgotten verse,
their's no repair, their's nothing left to mend.

Tired of my monochromatic reality,
to cease my state of despair,
my severely aching, parched soul
sings an austere prayer:
Show some mercy, show some light,
I've been holding on to a task that's beyond my might,
end my ordeal, bring a new dawn,
I'm only human, won't live for long.
Take me out of this domain,
my only longing, my salvation from pain,
is to have my life end,
by one, with whom, I dreamt to spend.


When I call the sun appears,
when I wish the wind blows,
when I feel blue, the moon is new,
when I dance the cloud roars.
The universe is singing a symphony of triumph,
after my end, I unlocked the door.

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