
Saturday 8 February 2014

Paramour: A Secret Lover | Poem

A few years ago I came across the word 'Paramour', and decided that I'l use this somewhere in my writings. Then I didn't realize that it'll be a poem, one day.
Paramour means a secret lover, in many cases it can even mean an illicit partner, although here it has been described in a pure and simple manner. 
Here the girl secretly admires a man, and this poem describes the journey of revelation, of her identity as his lover.

Quiescent eyes,
iridescent black,
turns aside.
A luring smile,
a pious track.

Inertia fails,
into his black
I plunge again.
Soothing chaos,
warrior at peace,
feelings impinge,
desires take rein.

Enigma resolved,
infinity defined,
reason explained,
purpose fulfilled.

Soul touched,
an eternal affect,
like shadow in sun
we connect.

Touch, the cause,
effect unsaid,
fluttering lashes,
gazes makes way.
Amidst crowd
and chaos,
a discovery made!

Lips curved,
secret revealed,
paramour in prominence:
once concealed. 


  1. Secret revealed!!
    Words are most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of doing just anything..;)

    1. Yes, they are to those who try to understand. :)
      Thanks, even if you don't accept that ;)
