
Sunday 14 December 2014

Incapable of keeping Memoirs : Quote

An old one. 

"Dates are subjacent to my words. My heart is bestowed with the ability to metamorphize words into a beautiful entity.
What a pity; my mind is incapable of keeping the memoirs."


Sunday 16 November 2014

Contorted : Romantic Poem

This poem belongs to the league of Limbo and Paramour, where the word inspired me to explain it in my version, and what can be a better subject to experiment on than love. Yeah, this stuff is so readily available and yet always in dearth! 
I wanted to portray Contorted as an emotion and this is what I could construct.
Happy Reading :)

Note: Read through the end and you shall surprise yourself, with a whole new meaning which I bet you wouldn't have thought off while reading the poem! Yeah, that's a bet for sure.


Seduced by that forbidden fruit,
I entered the world of dreams, of pain.
A heaven descendant sent as a recruit:
to spill my blood in drain.

Ethics intact, I cherished his brutal force,
his eyes reflected the corpse of me:
his touch so coarse.
Life on the verge of necropolis, looked up at its source,
the bestower of love, of life, of guilt and of remorse.

Talent for beauty (Quote)

'Some places are so beautiful that one does not need any special talent to capture its beauty.'

I am no photographer, nor do I have a professional camera. Forget professional camera, I clicked this one with my dad's HTC Explorer's 3MP camera, yet every single time I see this I'm filled with an awe, and I just keep on wondering, how beautiful can you be? :) 

For those who do not know this place, it's Anjuna Beach in Goa.

© itirmS

Monday 10 November 2014

A Pack (Poem)

It's been more than 18 months, since I wrote this poem. These words are an end-to-end description about those people who made the most important part of my college days and, when the end was nearing I thought of capturing that which I could.

Dedicated to the best college mates I could have had .... 

A Pack

First time I stepped out on my own,
to live a life that was still unknown,
couldn't predict the journey I would undertake,
couldn't imagine what kinda friends I would make.

HMR was the place, where our pack started,
                                          when beside me Sharma Ritika farted,                     
O' Sweety, the word was just to create rhyme,
accept my apology for this frivolous crime.
Your perfectionism is what we admire,
your cute, loving nature is someone else’s desire.
The days we spent in were a true bliss,
we made up for what in school did we miss.
I could have never imagined we would make it this long!
talking, walking, sharing and smiling all along,
Till when will it last? I'm not sure,
All I know is that our bond is pristine and pure.

BPIT was destined to happen,
so was I, bound to fatten.
Pallavi is a friend turned traitor,
Ohh boy, I'll show you my curves sooner or later!
On a serious note, you are a part of me,
the points of intersection are so many,
agonizing over organizing, you've catered our needs,
you know what, you're loved for all your deeds.
I could have never imagined we would make it this long!
talking, walking, sharing and reading all along,
Till when will it last? I'm not sure,
All I know is that our bond is pristine and pure.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Limbo: at the edge of hell (Poem)

Holding on to something, a task , a dream, a person , anything is an act of courage. So, is their a limit to it? For how long can one walk inside a dark tunnel with just the hope of witnessing light at the end of it?
And so I thought of picking this feeling up and expressing, what-so-ever I can in words. 

Now, some of you might think how did I come down to name it what I did, so I'll tell you another stuff about my poems. It is the word, many a times, that is my inspiration behind an entire poem (yes, after the emotion part), like Paramour, Contorted and then Limbo.

I heard this word first in Di Caprio's Inception and from then on I was in search of some feeling I can write about with Limbo as its crux; so I came across this whole phenomenon of sad romance (yes, I have a thing for romance, sadness makes it even more concrete ;) ) and I penned it down in some straight 6 hours.

Well, enough of the story. Now time for the actual stuff: 

Limbo : At the edge of hell

My happiness hijacked by pain,
For how long shall I persevere?
Enveloped by infinite darkness,
I hope for a miracle to appear.

I've been in the abeyance for so long!
Pain, here,echoes like a rhyme,
O' Lord,
Till when in this purgatory will I remain ?
It's wiping away my knowledge of time.

I don't know to which world I belong,
I'm enduring ,with faith,for some rain.
There's an inky blackness inside this catacomb,
O' Lord,
what about my opaline, nacreous dream?

The dawn no longer a messenger of hope,
it showed me the shreds of my only rope,
vaporized because of the harsh beam,
thereby, breaking me at the seam.

You are my pain, you are the cure,
you are my smile, you are the lure,
you are my sea, you are the shore,
you are the limbo that I endure.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Sway : Romantic Poem

Many a times we come across the statement, 'life changes in a moment'. I do believe in this.
So, I tried of depicting the-now-and-the-then; the before-the life changing moment- the after, in this simple, short poem, Sway.
Happy Reading :)

 Days ago, all seemed right,
you and me, along-with some fight,
life was beautiful,
with my assumed Mr. Right. 

Then the mask unveiled,
the hideous truth revealed.
Questions remained mid-air,
no answer now could conceal. 

Saturday 9 August 2014

Confusion: Is it good or bad?

It's weekend, and I'm spending some time on my new found interest- answering questions on Quora.
It is during this time that I found myself answering a question I'd want to share.

Some one asked, Is confusion good or bad?

This is what I feel:

Monday 28 July 2014

The Mark of Stitches: Image

And I was looking for an image as a backdrop for this poem, and I stumbled across someone's pictorial representation of Dante's poem 'The Divine Comedy'. Well with the picture it was love at first sight!

The Mark of Stitches: Dante's Way!

 Time to learn Photoshop! 

Picture Courtesy: 

Sunday 27 July 2014

Quote: On family

It was during one of those days at my work place, when I had a great news and so many people around me, some of them good friends as well, and still I didn't feel like walking up to anyone and share my feelings. At that point in time, all I wanted to do was to rush away and hug my parents and to look at my sisters and shout it out, loud. 
That was the moment when I thought of these lines: Doesn't matter in which part of the world I am, when I'm happy the only place I want to be at is my home, the only people I want to get surrounded by is my family.

Quote copyright: ©itirmS

Friday 25 July 2014

Poem: The Mark of Stitches

It has been long since I'd written something that I can associate with pain. And so the writer in me was waiting for an opportunity to feel something close to that pain that it wanted to pen down. Well, it was difficult and it wasn't quick, but then the I'm happy with the end result! ;)
What was going on in my mind while writing this, was the pain of distrust, and all that it carries with itself. I also wanted to try my hand at applying some paradoxes with the flow of the poem, just to make it sound different. ;)  
Your reviews will always be deeply appreciated.

The mark of stitches

Shattered I appear,
that’s just the crust, you see.
Un-imaginable is the pain I bear,
invisible, it is to thee.

Piece by piece I stitch,
broken shreds of my heart,
to revamp the results of a glitch,
that tore it apart.

How entwined our lives are,
a push here, its effect there.
A glass of water falls down,
an army of ants, in the pool drown.

The eruption that destroys,
feels bad about the loss.
Does it stop inflicting a similar pain?
Does it go for a toss?

An action on someone’s part,
a cause of shame for another,
how un-necessary a burden is carried,
for an unknown’s brother!

Proverbs aren't always true,
their constant nature is the cause.
How often is the sky blue?
How often does the Earth pause?

One learns to love, again
and to trust as well,
the mark of stitches will forever remain,
in the mind doubts will dwell.


Sunday 2 March 2014

How should you treat your goal | Quote

This is why you were born.
This is why you are living.
This is the reason behind all that which you have done till now.
This is what will motivate you to continue, no matter what.
This gives your existence, a meaning.
This is the destination of your journey.
This is your Goal.


Thursday 27 February 2014

Reins of life | Quotation

Sooner or later, you'll have to take the reins in your hands.
The later that happens, lesser the time you will have to alter your course.

Begin to trust | Quotation

How many times have we adjusted our actions to the likings of those around us, to the likings of those whose worth is unknown to us, and yet we offer them the capability to guide our decisions, our minds? 
Let us begin to trust ourselves

Monday 17 February 2014

The eyes of a lover | Quote

What is there? Hidden?
Something..... in those eyes....

Picture Courtesy: Google Image

Sunday 16 February 2014

I crave for | Romantic Poem

Well, for those who like chocolates, this poem is for you, 
And for those in love, you are what this poem is about.

I crave for ....

I crave for your beauteous face,
which in the vacuity, bestows a smile,
giving my heart a tough race,
simultaneously calming it, in a short while.

I crave for your arms, and the warmth it contain,
I crave for your lips, and the kiss from which they refrain,
I crave for your heart, and the love it sustain,
I crave for the two of us, leaping in the rain.

Intention matters?

How many times does it happen that we try to fend our actions, while we should have accepted the fault lying within?

Sunday 9 February 2014

Being right

Life would have been much simpler if we followed this fact.

Being right requires no justification.
It's right. That's it.

Saturday 8 February 2014

All I want is to be your wife

This is that piece of my writing, because of which I actually continued writing; given how frequently my hobbies change ;)
It's one of my oldest poems, when I was still a fuccha! 
It also started my legacy of winning prizes at fests :D 
It is. Simple. Romantic. Gentle. Passionate.

A challenge is all I ask of life,
all it means for me is to strive,
more to think, more to work,
passing successfully through all the jerk.
But who knows, when life will turn about?
and since it has been, I've been just figuring it out.

When it happened? I don’t remember,
in front of you I had surrendered,
it was then that I found what love is all about,
which is the job of a stout.

I remember in rain our dance,
for me it was a state of trance,
when I found your palms around me by chance,
I blushed due to the sizzling romance!

Drenched | Poem

During one of those times when it rained heavily in Delhi, I was on the roof singing, dancing (like normal people do, shaadi wala dance types) and doing a little bit of thinking as well. Later on when I thought about those thoughts, I realized of framing them up in a romantic poem.
This one which I'd published over the web months ago,  which you'll now be reading as a re-post.

Life trickled down through my crust,
I let it hover around with all my trust,
my fragrance sublimates and goes along,
like a lover consumed by wanderlust.

My chest pressed against the sandy floor,
each crash of thunder made my pulse soar,
the drops promised from where they belong,
my happiness conveyed  with the clouds roar.

Paramour: A Secret Lover | Poem

A few years ago I came across the word 'Paramour', and decided that I'l use this somewhere in my writings. Then I didn't realize that it'll be a poem, one day.
Paramour means a secret lover, in many cases it can even mean an illicit partner, although here it has been described in a pure and simple manner. 
Here the girl secretly admires a man, and this poem describes the journey of revelation, of her identity as his lover.

Quiescent eyes,
iridescent black,
turns aside.
A luring smile,
a pious track.

Inertia fails,
into his black
I plunge again.
Soothing chaos,
warrior at peace,
feelings impinge,
desires take rein.

Enigma resolved,
infinity defined,
reason explained,
purpose fulfilled.

Soul touched,
an eternal affect,
like shadow in sun
we connect.

Where the sky meets the earth | Poem

Well, pictures tell a story! Yes, that's true.
On my recent Goa trip, I clicked the picture below and the rest was easy.

Amidst the palms, and their fronds
a pair of eyes looked beyond,
casting away the lengthy trunks, 
the sweetness of the fruits attached,
to accomplish a mission of their own,
those eyes, simply, looked beyond.

The winds, swaying the thick fronds
carried the vision of those eyes across,
towards the destined isolation:
as the sole witness to a rendezvous
kept by the Sky and the Earth.

At a far and distant place,
did they decide to meet;
away from palms, and their fruits
away from life, and the living,
in the stillness of the infinite,
followed by those eyes.